I´m Sara Sandin, a Spiritual Life Coach, seeker, helper and an online entrepreneur within spirituality and personal development. For the longest time I have been looking for happiness and the meaning of life. This longing came out of my inner suffering and today I am so grateful for that because it led me to my healing, purpose, and inner peace.
I started out this life like many of us, conforming to society and other people. The result was a feeling of something missing and that it needed to change. For the last 18 years I have been interested in personal development and been on a journey to find out how to help myself and others feel happier and more content in life. These 18 years have consisted of lots of life challenges, a Kundalini Awakening and clearing of negative emotions and limiting beliefs. This is why I am passionate about helping other people evolve, coming back to the core of who they are, one step at a time, and live a life with more joy and peace then before. This does not mean that my life is perfect or that yours will be, but it means that it gets better and better the more steps we take towards our authentic selves.
My aim is to inspire, uplift and help people through my online business and presence on social media. In essence, like a lot of other people, I want this world to be a better place. It is my deepest desire to be of service and I hope that the ones who needs it will seek out my support.